- Perill d’extinció
- Piel fina
- Sandra
- Stranac
- Escrito por IB
Official section screenings

15 min. / 2024 / Spain
Direction: Lalo García. Script: Alberto Sánchez Regatos. Production: Kiko Domínguez, Dani Bagur / Empatic Films, IB3. Actors: Aleix Rengel y Lluís Marquès.
A judge has confiscated the phone of Pedro, a 17-year-old teenager, for recording with his mobile phone the beating of another boy from his high school and distributing it on social media. His motivation for doing so was powerful. Or so he understands. The ‘victim’ is a school bully who had terrorised the school. Pedro believes he has done justice.

12 min. / 2024 / Spain
Direction and script: Antonio Muñoz de Mesa. Production: Jordi Monedero, Marina Margallo / Manodesanto. Actors: Olga Margallo, Miriam Madrid, Andrea Lareo, Iván Villanueva, Chani Martín.
antonio@manodesanto.com ; jordi@manodesanto.com
Marga, a 53-year-old employee in a marketing company, faces demeaning comments and behaviour from her office colleagues. Clara, in charge of Human Resources, investigates the case while Marga struggles with anxiety and work pressure.

17 min. / 2024 / Spain
Direction: Jon Herrero. Script: Igor Salutregi. Production: Jon Herrero. Actors: Asier Olaciregui, Teresa Correa de Alzuru.
Alex, a best-selling author of a single novel, moves to the countryside and acquires a writing assistant equipped with advanced Artificial Intelligence to combat the creativity crisis he is facing.

19 min. / 2024 / Croatia
Direction: Milorad Milatovic. Script: Filip Rutic. Production: Ida Barac. Actors: Antonio Nuic, Nina Violic, Kristian Bonacic.
milorad.milatovic@gmail.com; Idabarac@gmail.com
• Best Short Film – 21114 Film Festival (Serbia)
• Best Short Film – Lobo Fest International Film Festival (Mexico)
Some brief encounters during a lonely taxi driver’s night at work.

10 min. / 2023/ Spain
Direction and script: Ibón Hernando. Production: Gerardo de las Morenas, Alejandro Viyuela Domínguez / Claqueta Blanca. Actors: Víctor Palmero, Oier Madariaga, Teresa Grau.
My name is Ibon and if you are watching this short film it means that I have quit my job.