16 november 2018
22.30 h.
Trintxerpe Mayor’s Office

9 m. / 2018 / España
Directed and writer: Germán Sancho. Producer: Raúl Cerezo, Helión Grande, Santiago Secades, Germán Sancho, Aitor De Miguel. Cast: Claudia Placer, Carlos Santos, Sheila Lloyd, Dani Nieto.
Mención Especial en Teatro de Cine de Terror Óptico
The most terrifying fears creep into a little girl in her room when the lights turn off, just before she goes to sleep. Her father tries patiently to calm her; however, the darkness and the unknown are much more powerful and voracious. There’s something even worse there, that hides a frightening reality.

6 m. / 2017 / Belarus
Directed, writer and producer: Andrey Kashperski. Cast: Nella Ogrenich, Roman Novak,Vadim Dozmorov, Ilia Kovalenko,Natali Kasporovich.
A young couple in love enjoys a fun a date in a winter wonderland. Unbeknownst to them their magical night out will end up a horrific bloodstained nightmare.

17 m. / 2018 / EE.UU
Directed and producer : Ozlema Altingoz Writer: Ozlema Altingoz, Erika Hurt. Cast: Isabel Serrano, Dustin Ardine, David Otto Simanek, Keith Wheeler, Nayeli Morales, Babe Mcguire.
Years ago, in the basement of the Ravencrest Hospital, a deal was made to spare the life of a young child. In exchange for his life, he must give up the soul of his first born, and the time has come for that price to be paid.

5 m. / 2018 / USA
Dirección y guión: Ray Kerman. Producción: Ines Swinters, Daniel Camu. Intérpretes: Ann Van Kerschaver.
Una mujer embarazada está aterrorizada por un par de zapatos.

5 m. / 2018 / EE.UU
Directed and writer: Ray Kerman. Producer: Ines Swinters, Daniel Camu. Cast: Ann Van Kerschaver.
Nina has a strange and sudden encounter at night, while waiting for her fiancé in the car.

20 m. / 2018 / Italia
Directed and writer: Alberto Bambini. Producer:Mario Diodati. Cast: Sofia Del Carlo, Mario Diodati, Alessandra Gianotti, Romuald Andrzej Klos.
Mejor Corto Narrativo Los Angeles Film Awards
The short film tells the story of Lucinda, a teenage girl who lives with her father, a sacristan of a small church on the mountains. During a mass, Lucinda begins to have terrifying visions that will lead her to doubt her faith. She will begin to be afraid and to be attacked by everything that she always believed in. The father will try to help her, also fighting with her past nightmares that will reappear stronger and more real than before.

7 m. / 2018 / España
Directed, writer and producer: Marisa Crespo Abril, Moises Romera Pérez. Cast: Jordi Ballester, Pablo Muñoz.;
Saul’s father is sick of being awakened by his son every night to pee. Tonight he will teach him how to be a man.

19 m. / 2017 / USA
Zuzendaritza: J.M. Logan. Writer: Clarissa Jacobson. Producer: J.M. Logan, Clarissa Jacobson, Joe Bratcher, Shayna Weber. Cast: Donna Pieroni, Mary Manofsky, Daisy Kershaw, Chris Fickley, Rudy Hornish, John Comerford, Eve Bui, Ryne Benckhart, Susan Marya Baronoff, Asia Dorsey, Madison Willow, Adrienne Roberson.
Mejor Cortometraje Crimson Screen Horror Film Fest; Mejor Corto de Terror Festival de Cine de Leben; Mejor Corto Festival de cine de terror (H2F2)
For the past twenty years, obsessed Johnny Depp fans and fraternal twin sisters, Seretta and LouAnne Burr, have shared a miserable existence as high school lunch ladies serving up rubbery chicken parts, ammonia-treated government meat and whatever else the cash-strapped national lunch program sends their way.