KALEBEGIAK, a title that in Euskera gathers two words (Kale: street and Begiak: Eyes, look), is a film that appears in the European Cultural Capital 2016 to propose a tour through the city, a walk through its streets, among its People, a trip of the hand of 15 filmmakers in 12 fragments that construct the creative portrait of a spatially cinematographic city: Donostia / San Sebastián.
KALEBEGIAK. 12 short films. A movie. 12 movie looks. And a city, a space, as a theme. And the cinematographic talent that emerged in Donostia / San Sebastián over the last decades as a pretext to boost the journey.
These 12 stories are narrated by 15 directors of different generations and trajectories, in order to compose a diverse perspective where documentary, animation and fiction films coexist. A deliberate search of the variety of styles, and that variety as the most precious and appreciable wealth of the project.
